Saadani National Park Admin June 15, 2022
The beauty of discover holiday in Tanzania is that you will have the opportunity to experience another side of the country. Park is located in the centre of historic village of Bagamoyo, Pangani tanga, and Zanzibar. The park is bordered by the Indian Ocean on the eastern side while the Wami River forms the southern boundary of the Park.
Viewing in Saadani


Saadani is the only coastal national park in the East Africa, which not just methods unwinding on Indian ocean beaches after every safari, yet in additional, gives a chance to watch Africa’s big game, boat safaris, walking safaris and bird watching by kayak are additionally conceivable. The park is famous for its elephant, lion, leopard giraffe, buffalo, warthog, common waterbuck, reedbuck, hartebeest, wildebeest, red duiker, greater kudu, eland, sable antelope, yellow baboon, vervet monkey, dolphin and green turtle. However, you can also get a chance to visit the traditional Saadani village and learn about the Swahili culture and language. On safari to Saadani you will experience the Maasai traditional culture at Fukayose village on the way to Saadani.

The best seasons in Saadani


Saadani National park is 2hours from Dar es Salaam via Makurunge Road and can be visited whole year, rainy and the dry season. The park experiences a tropical hot weather with the average temperature range of 25-27°C throughout the year. The normal day time temperature, while at night, the temperatures drop to an average of 20 to 24 °C.So, the peak time to visit Saadani National park is from June to October when the park is dry, wildlife visibility is good as vegetations get thinner and it is sunny.

What to experience in Saadani

The wonder of warthog; Warthog is omnipresent in this park. They spent their life time at the Saadani village. Why? Because Saadani villagers are Muslims, they can’t attack warthog.

Canoeing and boat safaris; if you a fan of canoeing this park is must-go.

The Great Wami River; This is a navigable river running from East to the West of Saadani National Park. This river is home to Hippos, crocodiles, and riverine birds like mangrove kingfisher and flamingo.