Gombe National Park Admin June 15, 2022
Gombe is the second smallest park that protects a fragile strip of lush forest and steep river valley rising towards the rift valley escarpment. Located 16km north of Kigoma town on the shores of the world second deepest Lake Tanganyika in western Tanzania. Early researchers in 1960 initiated by Jane Goodall revealed the importance of the park for primate’s conservation. Gombe status was upgraded to that of a national park in 1968 and later in 1978 was opened for tourism.
Much to Discover in Gombe


Season change of vegetation cover

Visit during early rainfalls season mostly in early September you will experience a varied vegetation color or mixture of lush green, brown, orange and finally deep green. This is due to presence of diverse species of miombo woodland. It is comparable to a spring time in other part of the world.

Wild Animals
Wild animals are well represented, Gombe is protecting at least 35 mammal’s species, including the bushbuck, bush pigs, duiker, civet, white tailed mongoose and checkered elephant shew.

Chimpanzees Trekking
Enjoy the best chimps trekking deep in the ancient, African forest with the outstanding sight of great rift valley escarpment. Gome has large relatively large populations of the shy social African great apes in a relation to area. Rising from the sandy shore of Lake Tanganyika, Gombe National Park is popular destination for exciting moments of chimp trekking.

Dr. Jane Goodall chimps feeding station
The feeding station was established by world famous scientist, Dr. Jane Goodall in 1964 and its purpose was to attract chimpanzees by giving them bananas, so that they would visit the place and allowing her to study them. Visitors will be able to see this interesting and memorable place while hiking to kakombe waterfalls.

Birds Watching
Experience great birding in Gombe, over 200 bird’s species fly around Gombe. Gombe has a diversity of tropical forest and aquatic Birds. Bird species range from the iconic fish eagle to jewel like peters twin spots that hop tamely around visitor’s center.

Hiking to the forest and mountain Climbing.
Enjoy the quiet beauty of forested mountains terrain, towering termite mounds, river lined with ever green forest and the bounty inquisitive Primates species. Further east, rolling grassy hills enclose the tranquil beauty of Lake Tanganyika. Over 45kms of trails on top of majestic mountains you will find your self wanting to return often once you discover the refreshing change of pace awaiting you in Gombe Mountains.


Dr. Living Stone Museum

The place known as ujiji the first town of Kigoma but now days just a historical place, the place Dr. Living stone met Stanley under the mango tree, Dr. Living stone I presume and there are slaves’ roots starting point from Kigoma to Bagamoyo still marked mango trees.

Liemba Ship

It’s an old German ship on Lake Tanganyika came pics by pics from German, now days used as a passenger’s ship from Kigoma to karemii[drcongo]then Zambia.

Fishing villages & Fishing Markets

The best fishing time on Lake Tanganyika at night time, you can experience night city on the lake by shining kerosene lambs from the lake by fishermen, spending the holy night fishing come back the next day morning.

Local Market

Visiting local market experiencing different African cultural and local business.

Experience in Gombe
  • Lake Tanganyika offers watersports activities such as kayaking snorkeling, swimming, sunbathing and sport fishing. At the same time, Gombe lake shore is a bleeding ground and home to countless fish species has been identified.
  • You are invited to experience authentic hospitality, learn about traditional arts, crafts and enjoy traditional dances at mwamgongo women group.
If you are looking for a truly wild place in Tanzania with such significant representation of the few magnificent remaining great Apes endemic species and fascinating history all the way back to 1960 initiated by world renowned Dr. Jane Goodall, make sure you take time to head out to Gombe National Park.